狱监保罗(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)这天迎来了一位不平凡的杀人犯――约翰•考夫利(迈克•克拉克•邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan 饰)。约翰因杀了两名幼女被判死刑来到了这座著名的冷山监狱,监狱里有一片称为“绿里”的绿地,绿地那头就是刑场。 约翰不仅不像想象中的凶残,相反,他出奇的温厚、机智。约翰的到来给狱中的各人带来了天翻地覆的变化:为老囚犯特里沃的小老鼠注入了生...
All the Wrong Ingredients depicts a man's journey toward discovering himself. As the main character competes to win a cooking competition, he finds himself losing touch not only with his wife and fath...
每个年代的同志,各自在平权道上留下过不同的足迹。世代交替,曾经为同志平权奋身力争过的同志,付出过的努力,又会否给新一代珍惜?森美曾是同志团体 ACT UP 的成员,走过爱滋病肆虐的年代,到今日仍被倖存者的内疚折腾。他不能明白年青一代对性别政治的漠不关心,以及无忧无虑的性爱生活。一次,他在一间酒吧邂逅年轻的白兰顿,二人火速搭上,森美的创作灵感得以重燃,受伤的内心更开始慢慢疗愈。...
After the sudden passing of their mother, the Pereira family siblings come together after more than a year of separation. The youngest, Belinda convinces the others to witness their mother's cremati...