13世纪,大英帝国在狮心王理查一世(丹尼·赫斯顿 Danny Huston 饰)的率领下与来犯的法国军队展开鏖战。孔武有力、骁勇善战的罗宾·朗斯特莱德(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)是这群英国战士中的一员,作为射手的他曾随理查参加过十字军东征,在对法的战争中也表现勇猛。但是狮心王遭遇阴谋刺杀,罗宾接受与国王一同遇刺的罗伯特•洛克斯利的遗愿,摇身变成罗伯特回到英国。在王宫骗吃骗喝过...
Since the death of their father and mother, Ambar and Dika move to a nursing home owned by their parents' best friend and their son, Agus. There are three people in the nursing home of Masa Toea Grand...
27世纪中叶,地球人与克尔瑞奇族爆发旷日持久的战争。小行星帕格萨斯某日遭到克尔瑞奇的奇袭,驻守官兵抵挡不住败下阵来,智能导航仪也被敌人夺走,这也意味着克尔瑞奇族将长驱直入,进攻地球。为了确保联邦舰队及时回防,杰弗瑞·吐温司令(戴维·沃纳 David Warner 饰)命令詹姆斯·盖斯特(Tchéky Karyo 饰)和达德·马修(马修·里沃德 Matthew Lillard 饰)、克里斯托弗·...
It showcases the story behind the first Black Barbie. It started with the filmmaker's 83-year old aunt, Beulah Mae Mitchell and a seemingly simple question: "why not make a Barbie that looks like...