根据Howard Buten的(法国版)小说When I Was Five I Killed Myself(该书中文版http://book.douban.com/subject/6759296/)改编的法国电视电影。背景为上个世纪50年代的法国,故事主要发生在一家儿童精神病院。 电影忠于原著,采用小男孩吉尔的口吻讲述了一个不为大人理解的故事。 "我喜欢的女孩,杰西卡,因为父亲去...
Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. O...
Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. One...