Game Girls 跟随 Teri 和她的女朋友 Tiahna,他们在洛杉矶贫民窟(又名“美国无家可归者之都”)的混乱世界中处理他们的关系。一个两难的境地加剧了这两个女人之间的紧张关系:如果 Tiahna 已经听天由命地过着自谋生路和在贫民窟街头走私的生活,那么 Teri 则被强烈的继续前进的愿望所驱使。她们与其他无家可归的妇女一起参加每周一次的表现艺术研讨会,她们希望在其中反思、梦想和治愈。他...
Nothing compares to the magic and excitement of the holidays in New York City, where the streets blaze with lights, windows dazzle and a special box from Tiffany could change the course of a person’s ...
A surreptitious smuggler gets solicited by the CIA to help cover-up the Nicaraguan blackmail attempt on the CIA, after the release of "Dark Alliance", by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist,...